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language schools in Zürich

Language schools in Zürich

Zürich is the largest city in Switzerland and the capital of the canton of Zürich. If you want to learn German, Zürich (with different language schools) could be the right choice. It is located at the lake of Zürich which is surrounded by mountains. In addition, you can also visit the Swiss National Museum to …

Start learning German today.

7 reasons to learn German

Do you want to learn a new language or are you looking for your next challenge? The answer could be very easy: Reasons to learn German! On the one hand German can help you to get your dream job, on the other hand you can find friends from all over the world. And in addition, …

Language schools in Hamburg

Hamburg is located in the north of Germany and the second largest city of the country. The official name, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (Free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg), reflects Hamburgs history. Until 1871, the city was a fully sovereign state. Today, it is one of the 16 states of Germany. The city, situated on …

False Friends in German

If you learn a foreign language, you will find a lot of false friends. In the Cambridge Dictionary you could read this definition for a false friend: “a word that is often confused with a word in another language with a different meaning because the two words look or sound similar” So as you can …

The best language schools in Germany

Germany – or the Federal Republic of Germany – is in central-western Europe and includes 16 constituent states. Because of its geographic location and culture, Germany is a famous destination for language learners. In different language schools, you have the possibilty to learn German, but also other foreign languages and to get in touch with …