CourseFinders Blog

Quotes about travelling

If you want to learn a foreign language you also have to travel. In another country you can get in touch with the culture, with natives and with the real language (and not the language from your textbooks). But travelling is not always travelling. You could plan your next language journey to attend also a language …

7 ways to learn a language faster

It takes a lot of time to learn a foreign language. You need time to learn new words, to understand the grammar structures and to use these new things in conversations with native speakers. But learning a foreign language means also having fun! But there is always a possibility to improve your learning methods and …

Language schools in Havana

Havana is the capital city of Cuba and has about 2.1 million inhabitants. In addition, it’s the largest city and the leading commercial centre of the country. In the 16th century the city was founded by the Spanish and in 1592 the king Philip II of Spain granted Havana the title of City. Havana is …

Language schools in Johannesburg

The largest city in South Africa is Johannesburg. It’s the provincial capital and the seat of the Constitutional Court. The city is located in the Witwatersrand range of hills and known for its museums, theatres, galleries and libraries. While studying a foreign language you could visit different museums, like the Johannesburg Art Gallery, the Adler …

False friends in Spanish

Learning a foreign language means to get in touch with difficult words or false friends. A false friend is known by every language learner and could be described as a word which is frequently confused with a word in another language. The reason for that phenonmenon is that these two words sound or look similar, …

Quotes to reach your goal

A specific goal is very important for your learning process because only with goals you could learn faster and make progress.You can have goals at home, but also in a language school where you learn a foreign language with others. If you want to read more about goals for language learners, check this article. Quotes …