Write a review of your language school

Write a review of your language school

Are you currently studying a language course? Or have you studied a language course abroad in the last 2 years? If yes, you should write a language school review on CourseFinders! You will be helping other students like you to choose their language course, and to know what to expect when they arrive. Share your experience!

To write a review simply use the search bar at the top of this page to search for your school. Once on the school profile, click “add review”.

Authentic student reviews on Coursefinders.com

We ask you to log in with your Facebook or Google account to write a review. This stops people hiding behind anonymous log ins and helps prevent fake reviews. We don’t write on your Facebook wall. We will never use your contact details to spam you. We don’t sell your data to third parties. We just want to give you reviews that you can trust.

Go to the top of this page and search for your school now.



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